Things are still expediting is hard to see but seems like all the steps are laid to expedite when we get to each step. The next step is for the home study to be finished then reviewed by our Chinese adoption agency...apparently the wait for that review is two weeks but we will be expedited due to Min's medical needs.
I am currently teaching a drama class once a week for an hour which is great. It isn't much but I get about $20 for teaching for an hour. It all goes into Min's adoption account. Anyway, my husband got sick this week and I needed to take him to get x-rays and to the doctor, so I had to miss teaching my class. It wasn't a lot of money, but it still all adds up and since we are trying to expedite it all is due in a briefer time frame. So, yesterday afternoon I was at auditions for a child's play that I get to co-direct and was talking with the director afterwords when a lady I have never met comes into the office, said she read about me on a friend's facebook page, someone pointed out who I was through the window and she wanted to donate to help bring Min home. She handed me $20 and left. I was completely speechless. What do you say to that? It seems so very paltry to offer a 'Thank you'. So very inadequate for the huge gratitude that I feel. And then I remembered the lost $20. And my instant prayer that we would have all that we need to get us to China and home with Min. A prayer that is said often at our house. And I am amazed by the grace that is shown to us.
I was reading about your story on "our place called home". I wanted to share with you an organization that does grants for parents adopting special needs kids. It is my friends organization and I would encourage you to apply. A new grant will be awarded in March so apply now if you are interested. The website to get an application is